
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

8 Secrets for Keeping Mosquitoes out of Your Backyard

Beautiful days and warm nights mean it's barbecue season! Don't let pests ruin your summer—learn how to keep mosquitoes away.

Citronella Candles
Citronella Candles

Set the Mood

You can repel insects while creating the perfect ambiance with citronella candles. For longer nights, look for wax that contains geraniol, and for a more polished touch, look for lanterns that are designed to keep away mosquitoes. Pro tip: It’s best to use citronella after everybody’s done eating.
Marigold Flowers
Marigold Flowers

Let Your Garden Do the Work

Flowers can do more than just provide a splash of color—plants like marigolds and calendula can help repel mosquitoes, while herbs like rosemary, mint and lemongrass can also keep biting insects away from the yard. Plant them near your patio or deck for the best benefit.