Are You *Off The Grid*? Then You’ll love these hacks that make living under the radar that much better.
Breaking: Find Out Why Worm Farming is Becoming Big Business

Baking powder and baking soda work for almost everything. Use it to remove stain, eliminate odors, scrub your sink and countertops. The natural cleaning solutions are endless.natural cleaning solutions are endless.

No need to drag your pig-headed porker to the nearest scale to weigh it. Learn how to calculate it’s weight instead.

Not really a full on pedicure but it pays to know how to trim your goats’ hooves. Learn how to do it here.

Grow a bees from your backyard with this amazing off grid hack. Complete instructions here.

This DIY hack will definitely save you dollars. Complete tutorial here.

The best part is you don’t have to use messy tomato juice anymore. Recipe here.

Homemade udder salve is not only simple to make, but it is also ultra-nourishing, and so natural that you could eat it. Recipe here.

The very first trick is to calm yourself down. Then the rest follows.

There are many ways to preserve your excess root vegetable but freezing them is seems to be the quickest way to do it. Learn how to freeze your root vegetables here.

There’s nothing better than free stuff.Starting seedlings can be done with just about anything. Here’s how.

Short on space to grow potatoes? Here’s an efficient alternative to growing potatoes.

Who knew good ol’ mason jar can help you find out the soil structure in your garden. Full instructions here.

Want to start your own container garden? You’re in theright place. Check out our Homesteading Handbook: How to Grow All The Food You Need In Your Backyard.

This guide is from our friends at It includes everything to how to chose where to live off-grid, What to buy, what to make, what clothes to wear, and more.

Yes, you can freeze eggs too! Learn how to do it here.

Please only do this as a last-case scenario. Seek medical attention immediately if you are in any kind of danger.

Baby oil can do wonders for your skin under extreme weather conditions. Lather it on and keep the frost at bay.

To remove a tick, just loop the lasso around the tick, where it’s attached, close to the skin. Then pull the ends of the string tight and firmly pull the tick out. Full instructions here.

No oven? No problem. Dutch ovens are a great alternative to baking your goodies. Learn more about it here.
Speaking of no oven, you’re going to love The Biolite…Fueled by twigs…Generates enough power to cook a meal while charging your phone at the same time.
click here for details.

Mason jars are more commonly used for storage, canning, and sprouting. But they also make great liquid measuring cups, too. Many mason jars even have the sides marked for your convenience. Instructions here.

So don’t throw them out yet. Find out how you can use them for your off the grid lifestyle here.

Have you met Doug & Stacy? My favorite Off The Gridders. They’re on the grid enough to share their experience with you. Their homestead is 100% self-sufficient, and their channel is brimming with great tips for your own journey. View them here!

Learn how to cut your boys’ hair yourself here.

Soda bottles are made of thick material and offer an air-tight seal. You can ensure an even greater shelf-life by adding an oxygen absorber to each bottle.

Both types of batteries output 1.5 volts and differ only in amperage (AA batteries produce a little more than twice the amps than AAA batteries do) but in a device like a weather radio or flashlight, this isn’t something to worry about. [details]

Need to cross a river or lake without being devoured by alligators, frozen to death, or drowned by your gear? Lay out a tarp and pile small lightweight branches in the center , then wrap the ends up and bind the entire raft with paracord or string.

Something to pair with your makeshift bow.

Simply add a wick and voila – a candle that lasts much longer than your typical wax candle.

Yes. In addition to being highly addictive and delicious, Doritos and other snack chips are highly flammable.

You won’t win any fashion awards, but you will stay dryer and warmer.

Use your eyeglasses to focus sunlight into a concentrated beam of light that can easily ignite tinder to start a fire.

Unfortunately, you just cant use any piece of rock. Learn how to make a knife out of rocks here.
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43 Off the Grid Hacks
Let’s face it…we live in a world full of commodities. So many that we’ve grown very accustomed to a certain lifestyle and it’s difficult when that gets thrown out of whack – especially when you live off the grid. Homesteading brings life back to the basics a bit, but it’s a learning process to say the least. You learn to get clever with what you have, and sometimes when you learn a new trick you find out later that it’s actually quite an old trick. So why am I telling you all of this? I wanted to share with you all a couple of tricks I’ve learned throughout my homesteading years through my experiences I’ve had while living off the grid. And so, without further ado, here are some off the grid hacks that are useful no matter where you live on or off the grid.Breaking: Find Out Why Worm Farming is Becoming Big Business
1. The miracle of baking powder and baking soda
via secretly healthyBaking powder and baking soda work for almost everything. Use it to remove stain, eliminate odors, scrub your sink and countertops. The natural cleaning solutions are endless.natural cleaning solutions are endless.
2. Calculate the weight of the pig
via reformation acresNo need to drag your pig-headed porker to the nearest scale to weigh it. Learn how to calculate it’s weight instead.
3. Give your goat a pedicure
via the prairie homesteadNot really a full on pedicure but it pays to know how to trim your goats’ hooves. Learn how to do it here.
4. Use mason jars for beekeeping
Grow a bees from your backyard with this amazing off grid hack. Complete instructions here.
5. Use 5-gallon buckets to make a DIY chicken water and feeder
via bless this messThis DIY hack will definitely save you dollars. Complete tutorial here.
6. Remove skunk stink with this de-skunking solution that really works
via the prairie homesteadThe best part is you don’t have to use messy tomato juice anymore. Recipe here.
7. Use apple cider to boost immunity
Use apple cider as a tonic or mix it with your livestock’s food or water to boost their immunity. Read all the amazing health benetfits here.8. Milk cows benefit from udder balm
via the prairie homesteadHomemade udder salve is not only simple to make, but it is also ultra-nourishing, and so natural that you could eat it. Recipe here.
9. There are many ways to prevent your milk cow from kicking you in the face
via the prairie homesteadThe very first trick is to calm yourself down. Then the rest follows.
10. Use duct tape to kill squash bugs
via reformation acres11. Freeze root vegetables so they don’t get wasted
via weed ’em and reapThere are many ways to preserve your excess root vegetable but freezing them is seems to be the quickest way to do it. Learn how to freeze your root vegetables here.
12. Get free containers to start your seedlings
via happy money saverThere’s nothing better than free stuff.Starting seedlings can be done with just about anything. Here’s how.
13. Use black plastic sheeting to warm up the soil for planting
via whole lifestyle nutrition14. Grow potatoes vertically if you don’t have enough space
Short on space to grow potatoes? Here’s an efficient alternative to growing potatoes.
15. Use water gallons to make DIY watering cans
via a journey to a dream16. Use a mason jar to test your soil
via preparedness mamaWho knew good ol’ mason jar can help you find out the soil structure in your garden. Full instructions here.
17. Whiskey barrels make awesome container plants
via creative cabinWant to start your own container garden? You’re in theright place. Check out our Homesteading Handbook: How to Grow All The Food You Need In Your Backyard.
18. Read This Self Sufficiency Guide
This guide is from our friends at It includes everything to how to chose where to live off-grid, What to buy, what to make, what clothes to wear, and more.
19. Freeze eggs to keep them from rotting
via happy money saverYes, you can freeze eggs too! Learn how to do it here.
20. Old fashioned cloth diapers are a nifty alternative to buying expensive cheesecloth
via amazon21. Use duct tape to open jars easily
via survival life22. Use crayons as emergency survival candles
via survival life24. In an emergency situation, set broken bones using duct tape and toilet paper
via survival lifePlease only do this as a last-case scenario. Seek medical attention immediately if you are in any kind of danger.
25. Stave off frost bite with baby oil
via survival lifeBaby oil can do wonders for your skin under extreme weather conditions. Lather it on and keep the frost at bay.
26. Carry all your water gallons in one trip with a sturdy stick
Alternatively, you can place the jugs on each end and practice your deadlifts to keep in shape.27. Remove ticks easily with this DIY Tick Lasso
via instructablesTo remove a tick, just loop the lasso around the tick, where it’s attached, close to the skin. Then pull the ends of the string tight and firmly pull the tick out. Full instructions here.
28. Use an old bike to make a crossbow
You never know when you might need this, seriously. Instructions here.29. Use a dutch oven to bake without an oven
No oven? No problem. Dutch ovens are a great alternative to baking your goodies. Learn more about it here.
Speaking of no oven, you’re going to love The Biolite…Fueled by twigs…Generates enough power to cook a meal while charging your phone at the same time.
30. Use mason jars as liquid measuring cups
via ace hardwareMason jars are more commonly used for storage, canning, and sprouting. But they also make great liquid measuring cups, too. Many mason jars even have the sides marked for your convenience. Instructions here.
31. Coffee grounds have endless possible uses
via the prairie homesteadSo don’t throw them out yet. Find out how you can use them for your off the grid lifestyle here.
32. Utilize Youtube
Have you met Doug & Stacy? My favorite Off The Gridders. They’re on the grid enough to share their experience with you. Their homestead is 100% self-sufficient, and their channel is brimming with great tips for your own journey. View them here!
33. Save money by cutting the kids’ hair yourself
via happy money saverLearn how to cut your boys’ hair yourself here.
34. Use 2–liter soda bottles to store dry goods like rice and beans
via how to survive itSoda bottles are made of thick material and offer an air-tight seal. You can ensure an even greater shelf-life by adding an oxygen absorber to each bottle.
35. Use AAA batteries in place of AA batteries by simply balling up some aluminum foil to fill the gap in the battery compartment
via how to survive itBoth types of batteries output 1.5 volts and differ only in amperage (AA batteries produce a little more than twice the amps than AAA batteries do) but in a device like a weather radio or flashlight, this isn’t something to worry about. [details]
36. An empty beer/soda can combined with a candle make an excellent lantern in a survival situation
via how to survive it37. Use a tarp and a pile of lightweight branches for a makeshift raft
via how to survive itNeed to cross a river or lake without being devoured by alligators, frozen to death, or drowned by your gear? Lay out a tarp and pile small lightweight branches in the center , then wrap the ends up and bind the entire raft with paracord or string.
38. Use an old circuit board to make a super simple, super effective improvised arrow or spear head
via how to survive itSomething to pair with your makeshift bow.
39. Create a makeshift candle out of can of Crisco
via how to survive itSimply add a wick and voila – a candle that lasts much longer than your typical wax candle.
40. Snack chips make great tinder
via how to survive itYes. In addition to being highly addictive and delicious, Doritos and other snack chips are highly flammable.
41. Cut a few holes in your garbage bag to make an instant rain jacket.
via how to survive itYou won’t win any fashion awards, but you will stay dryer and warmer.
42. Eyeglasses are essentially a pair of magnifying lenses
via how to survive itUse your eyeglasses to focus sunlight into a concentrated beam of light that can easily ignite tinder to start a fire.
43. Use rocks to make a knife in a survival situation
Unfortunately, you just cant use any piece of rock. Learn how to make a knife out of rocks here.
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